Sunday 9 February 2014


I don't even think there is any point in me saying how bad I am at blogging, it's fairly obvious! I'm just going to jump right in and act like I blogged yesterday. 

So, we found out my partner is a carrier, what options are we left with? 

Well, firstly, get pregnant and take the 50% risk of having a child with CF, secondly, IVF using PGD to select an embryo without CF, thirdly, IVF using a donor egg from a donor found to be free of the CF gene, fourthly, IUI using donor sperm and fifthly adoption.

We have ruled out both getting pregnant and taking the risk and IUI using donor sperm. This is a personal choice we've made, nothing against anyone who takes these options, they're just not he right options for us. 

This leaves us with PGD, egg donation and adoption. PGD would be the only option that would result in a child that was biologically ours but it is very expensive, rarely funded and has a low success rate so whilst we haven't ruled it out we feel it's unlikely this will be our next step on our path to parenthood. Egg donation and adoption both have their positives and negatives, it's very hard to make a choice and we tend to too and fro between the two. If we chose to try egg donation and it failed we could still go down the route of adoption but we would have to wait 6 months after any fertility treatment ended before we could start the adoption process. 

Either way we're still not quite in a position to move forward quite yet so we still have some more thinking time. I'm still trying to get my body in the best position for both pregnancy and motherhood, my last hba1c was 8.2% so I'm slowly getting there. I've had a few issues with other health stuff but fingers crossed they won't cause any major problems.

Right, thats enough for now, I'll try and update again in less than 6 months time!

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